Saturday, July 6


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Congolaises et Congolais résidant au Royaume-Uni,

Le Lundi 02.08.2021, une réunion s’est tenue avec les Représentants de différentes Communautés vivant au Royaume-Uni pour dégager certains points qui peuvent avoir un impact dans les relations entre la Police (Metropolitan Police) et les différentes communautés, et les Communautés entre elles.

Autres points à l’ordre du jour étaient le COVID-19 et l’EURO 2020. Aces points, les discussions ont tourné autour des réactions des membres de différentes Communautés.

L’audience a noté la circulation des informations contradictoires sur les vaccins et leurs conséquences dans la population.

En ce qui concerne l’EURO 2020, il y a eu un constat sur le risque de la montée du racisme suite au déroulement du match. L’audience a considéré que ce phénomène était très dangereux et que la Police devrait y veiller méticuleusement.

Veuillez trouver ci-jointes des informations importantes, nous vous en souhaitons une très bonne lecture. Nous avons jugé utile de vous transmettre ces informations telles qu’elles nous ont été données en anglais pour éviter toute désinformation.

Pour la Communauté,



Additional Information

Mayor invests in positive activities for young people this summer

City Hall is funding hundreds of positive activities to support thousands of young Londoners during the holidays and beyond. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today set out a comprehensive package of measures to support communities by funding hundreds of positive activities and opportunities for young Londoners in the capital this summer. Find out more HERE

How you can get involved: Share our refreshed Our London Map with your networks and encourage them to add their organisation. It is a vital resource showing activities and services for children and young people in London by postcode, town, borough, and activity. It is particularly helpful for teachers, youth workers, parents and community organisers so that they can help provide young people with constructive and positive activities: Please add your organisations activities too! Click on the link HERE then choose the 3 parallel lines in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select ‘Add activity’

Applications for the VRU Stronger Futures Programme Live

The programme funded by the Violence Reduction Unit is delivered by Rocket Science with the Black Training and Enterprise Group. The Stronger Futures Programme will enable community-led groups to support vulnerable young Londoners by providing them with opportunities and support in the hours following school, as well as at weekends. £1.2m is available to fund up to 20 projects across London. Grants of between £50,000 and £100,000 will be awarded, with an anticipated average size of circa £65,000 to be fully spent by August 2022. Click here for more information Stronger Futures Programme 2021/22 Please share within your network. 

Tesco Community Grants Programme

The Tesco Community Grants programme is managed nationally by Groundwork. We have been asked by Tesco to encourage applications into the fund from organisations that are delivering work that is tackling knife crime in the capital. If you are working on this important issue and can get a Tesco Community Grant application completed and submitted before the end of August there is a very good chance of securing some top-up funding to support your work.  You can contact or with any questions or help you need to get your application submitted. Multiple bids from organisations working in more than one area are welcome.

Know Your Rights Leaflets

See attached PDF, if you require hard copy leaflets to distribute between your networks please respond to  (attached is the PDF version, the hard copy  version folds up into a credit card sized aide memoire)

Delivery Address
Borough leaflets will be distributed in


If you have any questions or would like to place an order email there is no charge for the leaflets or delivery.  

Three Point Solutions is here

Three Point Solutions Campaign Examples Pack. It outlines both our creative and marketing services. As a youth led agency our creative teams USP includes.

As an agency we are always looking for new, innovative projects and campaigns, so be it a release/marketing, design, photography or your usual needs, the Three Point Solutions Team would love to speak further about your current projects and 2021 plans. Visit our site to see some of the brands and organisations we have worked with.

Calling Creative Young People (£500 prize) 

Creative youth group activity alert! Jack Petchey’s Forward to the Future Competition invites young people aged 11-19 from London and Essex to submit a creative piece exploring what life will look like 96 years in the future. Art, video, story, music etc. are all welcome!! First prize is £500 with runner up prizes too. Time to CREATE!

 Job Opportunity – please share

Peabody`s Young People`s Fund

Peabody are pleased to announce that, for the second year, we are seeking applications to our Young People’s Fund to support grassroots community groups who are putting youth voice at the centre of their work to tackle violence affecting young people. The fund, which has been co-created with young people aged 11-25 from across London for the benefit of young people, is administered on our behalf by the London Community Foundation (LCF). Through the fund, grants of between £3,000 – £10,000 are available to organisations working with young people (aged 11-25) in the following boroughs: Westminster, Southwark, Waltham Forest, Lambeth and Hackney. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 3rd September 2021. For more details and for information about how to apply, please see



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